May 31, 2005

I am blogger, hear me roar - Next - Technology -

I am blogger, hear me roar - Next - Technology - "Tim Lambert is a computer science academic based at the University of NSW.
He has a reputation as a fact-checker who specialises in exposes of academic and journalistic fraud. He almost single-handedly demolished the credibility of US pro-gun 'academic' John Lott jnr. Mr Lambert's blog address is
According to website visitor counter, Sitemeter, the traffic to Mr Lambert's blog averages more than 1600 unique visitors a day. His Technorati link count is 226."

I am blogger, hear me roar - Next - Technology -

I am blogger, hear me roar - Next - Technology - "John Quiggin is an economist based at the University of Queensland and the Australian National University. He is a regular contributor on economics in The Australian Financial Review. Mr Quiggin, whose blog is, is one of the elder statesmen of the Oz blogosphere. He is a firm believer in the value of blogs as quality alternatives to the mainstream media."

I am blogger, hear me roar - Next - Technology -

I am blogger, hear me roar - Next - Technology - "Tim Blair is now employed as a news editor at The Bulletin. He has been active in the Oz blogosphere since December 2001 and is well-known for his right-wing opinions and forensic research abilities. Mr Blair has operated three blogs of his own. The current one is; an earlier site at was abandoned in December 2004. In terms of influence, the Technorati link count of 1839 links puts him at the top of the table of Australian blogs.

John Quiggin
Tim Dunlop is an Australian academic and writer living in Washington, DC. His academic work dealt with the role of intellectuals and citizens in public debate and that led to his interest in blogging. He first published his blog, The Road to Surfdom, in May 2002 and quickly became Australia's most widely read left-leaning blog."

Meet Joe Blogs - Next - Technology -

Meet Joe Blogs - Next - Technology - " is the voice of the Australian broadband community. If you want to know what's happening, there is simply no better information source. Broadband providers are quick to take action once their customers air complaints on this community-generated blog."

May 21, 2005

Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom : Video

Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom : Video:
Looks great

A number of people have asked if the video that was shown at the Intel keynote is available online, so here are some links: Flash 6, Windows Media, and a smaller version of Quick Time.
Here's the link to the original .mov file in case those others get taken down. Be advised it's a .mov file that requires the latest version of QuickTime (free) and is a whopping 27 meg (though in these days of fast connections that may not be as whopping...) To me at least, it's an amazing couple of minutes, and I really can't articulate how lucky I feel to have been the subject of all of this. But it gives an absolutely great overview of what Weblogs have meant at our school. If you take the time, please let me know what you think. "

Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom : Video

Comes highly recommended - will check and pass on

Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom : Video

Formalizing Informal Learning

Formalizing Informal Learning

Teach and Learn Online : Recommended Audio for May

Teach and Learn Online : Recommended Audio for May: "Recommended Audio for May
I'm going to start collating all the best audio recording I have been listening to on a monthly basis. This month includes:"

May 19, 2005

Blogtalk Downunder ? Program

Blogtalk Downunder ? Program

Looking forward to the conference. The papers are a great resource for those not able to attend.

Sydney institute hosts a very informative Elluminate session with guest facilitator Michael Coghlan Posted by Hello