May 21, 2005

Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom : Video

Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom : Video:
Looks great

A number of people have asked if the video that was shown at the Intel keynote is available online, so here are some links: Flash 6, Windows Media, and a smaller version of Quick Time.
Here's the link to the original .mov file in case those others get taken down. Be advised it's a .mov file that requires the latest version of QuickTime (free) and is a whopping 27 meg (though in these days of fast connections that may not be as whopping...) To me at least, it's an amazing couple of minutes, and I really can't articulate how lucky I feel to have been the subject of all of this. But it gives an absolutely great overview of what Weblogs have meant at our school. If you take the time, please let me know what you think. "


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