May 04, 2004

Participated in Ucan2 Federal consultation re adult learners and issues around an aging population.
New term - 'Foresighting' used instead of 'predicting' We were asked to respond to thought provoking questions.

I had an opportunity to present the Australian Flexible Learning Framework initiatives as positive models for encouraging involvement in the learning process - gave them a leaflet - the seemed interested. Spoke about characteristics of Adult learners and implications for materials and in particular online materials. I also advocate for more research into older adult uptake of ICT.
Met a very interesting person from Newcastle Council, Theresa Postma. Got her card and will follow up as she has a network - lifelong learning, that probably includes some of our consortium partners.

Reflection on my input - I need to know the meanings of a few more buzzwords and acronyms - but don't use them!!! I need to develop some concise answers and explanations that I may be often required to provide.


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